Sai Nita Foundation Charitable Trust, every year celebrate diwali along with 120 children. During the celebration SNFCT sponsored food and cloth for needy children.
Batch Start Date: 15 July 2017 No of students: 10 student/Batch Sai Nita Foundation Charitable Trust conducting the free tailoring and fashion designing, embroidering class for all women irrespective of religions. We believe in God, not in Religion.
Creating awareness among children is an essential part of society. Sai Nita Foundation Charitable Trust organised a awareness program for the BVM International School children and inaugurated “Karuna Club” . On the eve of inauguration 100+ tree sapling were plated in and around Coimbatore .
Sai Nita Foundation Charitable Trust Conducting frees Tailoring Class for women. In this training they were give training in all type of tailoring machine including fashion designing, Stone works and arye works.